Force Management Statement workshop: 23rd October 2019

As part of an ongoing series of free events to support Force Management Statements (FMS), specifically around Understanding Demand, Capacity and Capability, EMPAC is pleased to announce that Nottingham Trent University will be hosting a fourth event between 2pm and 4pm on Wednesday, 23rd October 2019.

The purpose is to bring practitioners and academic researchers together to help improvements needed, that have been flagged up nationally by HMICFRS following previous FMS inspections. Improvements identified include moving beyond being merely descriptive, being more analytical and more forward looking. The benefit of building the research evidence base by all working together will be to help break the reactive cycle: helping policing get ahead of demand through more prevention and joined-up working. 

As with all our EMPAC activity, we promote co-production and team working to bring the best of everyone together to focus on innovative insights. In this case, the work is led jointly by Dr Rowena Hill and Superintendent Mark Housley (Lincolnshire Police). Based on previous events, Mark emphasises the need to actually understand understanding demand, rather than focussing just on the efficiency of response. The point is surely well made, after all, how can you manage what you don’t understand?

Partner agencies are encouraged to attend as are Police FMS (2) and Managing Demand strategic leads. If you’ve not managed to make it to a previous event that’s not a problem – you can catch up quickly here on the previous work:

To book a free place contact Dr Rowena Hill at:


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